Villa southern style

Turning a house into a home in a villa in southern style, where the outdoors still remains the most important thing is a successful assignment that Marcottestyle was able to complete with glory 1000 km away.
This is a villa that is neither too tight nor too cool, but warm and cozy.
A typical southern style with many covered terraces with arcades and vaults.

This then is a villa that is neither too sleek nor too cool, but warm and cozy.
Again, an interior designer is a must.
A southern villa must be fused with nature and its surroundings.
From beginning to end, the interior designer has given his advice here.
The versatile terraces provide shelter from the sun.
The orientation of the villa was thoroughly studied in advance where then the terraces were built around it

One terrace for breakfast under a palm tree providing some shade during the rising sun.
The other for the evening sun and one for during the full afternoon sun.
Always with a different view and possibly sheltered from the wind.

Peach white was chosen for the main color.
Thus, the ceramic floors were given the same shades.
In the same line, the curtains were chosen .
To these Tafta curtains belong then also stylish road ties or embrasses with beautiful supports in brass and nacre.

Although this realization is a classic contemporary southern style, a thoughtful concept was worked on.
Never will you be stuck with an already-seen effect.

Unique solutions were chosen at all points.
However, we also provided many variations and alternation of materials and proportions which creates a playful effect.

This also included a real friends house that was built completely independently.
The living room had 2 terraces and the elegant modern stainless steel kitchen was separated from the dining area with 4 straight natural stone walls of 2.5m in height by 1.2m.
On one side of this wall, the architect then provided some mirrors to increase the spatial effect.
The two bedrooms also each received their bathroom in suite.