The radiator cabinets are always fully customized and mitered according to the length of each wall.
Everything is manufactured in the workshop and when the radiator cabinet is installed, the interior decorator pays close attention to the correct finish.
For example, the edges are trimmed to closely match the walls that are not always straight.

In any interior design, paneling and radiator cabinets can be made of solid oak or MDF.
The latter is a high-quality pressed wood board with very high density, good swelling properties and bending strength with possible moisture resistance.
However, our interior fittings are always fitted with the best quality MDF.
These boards are easier to work with than veneered fiberboard or plywood.
It is also the only one that can be milled and can be processed like solid wood.
Deep grooves are possible thanks to CNC perfected machinery.
Everything is always delivered and applied in a primer.
Beware of inexperienced interior decorators who cost-effectively supply you with only one side primed.
Loose panels that are not fixed on all four sides must really get the same number of primers and coats of paint on the front and back to prevent warping.
Here everything is also drawn out completely precisely on plan with our CAD program.
Nothing is left to chance. [seo-gallery type=”3-columns” taxonomy=”115″ num=”4,11″]

Our radiator cabinets become truly beautiful pieces of furniture that make the interior even more beautiful.

Feel free to contact us without obligation or check out our references.