Proprietary collections:

In our dynamic concept of total interior, tailored to your personality and aspirations, we are going to furnish your bedroom & bed in the same guideline of the general character of the interior.
By working directly without intermediaries, we can offer you attractive conditions that you will find difficult to obtain elsewhere.
Moreover, in the context of a complete decoration, we will not charge a fee for the creation of CAD plans and we will always follow up the entire project by the same person. [seo-gallery type=”3-columns” taxonomy=”131″ num=”4,11″]

Our offerings:

Our collection of designer beds is not only focused on cottage style but they can also be contemporary and modern.
In a total decoration, it is important that the same style is respected throughout the house.
Thus, a contemporary bedroom can have a tighter and purer design without disturbing the well thought-out proportions of the interior.
Comfort is always the priority.
Once the interior designer has determined the layout and restructuring of the bedroom with you, we move on to the final choice of the design beds themselves.
You are then guided through one of our numerous showrooms where you can make the final choice together with our advisor, buying beds is then no longer difficult.
Our interior designers always have an eye for all relationships between spaces and objects.
With a distinct sense of color, layout and intimacy, the interior designer will work with you to find the best combination between comfort atmosphere colors and emotion with the idea of always staying somewhere practical.
Many times the dilemma between the balance of aesthetic and practical still arises.
Our interior specialist will explain all pros and cons to you beforehand.
At Marcotte Style you will enjoy an extremely personal approach, which distinguishes us from the average bed specialist.
We give tips when buying a bed and help you choose the right bed.
If desired, they will be custom-made according to your wishes and needs.
Here we give only a few ideas of designer beds as this collection is so diverse that we can hardly show everything.

You are looking for a new bed?
You will be guided by one of our advisors in many showrooms, where you will easily find your choice of designer beds.